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Voters Have Biden’s Remorse

After giving Obama his marching orders, we should invite Joe Biden to go, too. It’s time for a regime change. Why do we need Joe? Joe is not qualified to be president. We’re better off without him! It is time for him to go. This is Biden’s remorse.

First of all, the Buffoon has no respect for the United States of America. Joe Biden is one of the only politicians that I know that treats our nation with disrespect. Did you see him on “Meet The Press” recently? He was more interested in his opinions than he was in finding out how our country will get better. He says our country doesn’t deserve him as president! Get outta here, Joe! You lost!

biden's remorse

Voters are now beginning to regret their decision to vote for him. Some are even calling it “Biden’s Remorse”. Here is what one of his own supporters had to say after giving Biden their vote.

It’s Biden’s Remorse, the regrets of the people who voted for him. Let it be known that I was one of those who voted for Biden because he didn’t appear to be a wacko-bird. But after watching the debates, reading up about him, and listening to his blather I’m truly sorry I did not choose another candidate to support.

Biden just doesn’t have a good track record. He once said he didn’t think Obama was ready to take on foreign policy issues at a time when the President needed a loyal friend to take his side. How about that time he told a group of women that Obama would hire “a bunch” of women if elected? And what about the time he told the public that 47% of Americans didn’t pay taxes, and were dependent upon Obama’s government? The list goes on and on, but you get the point.

The last thing America needs is another four years of Biden-type leadership from someone who is not qualified for their job. We need someone who is willing to step up and lead America; someone we can believe in. That person is not Biden. He has his chance to lead and he blew it. Now, he should quit and give someone else a chance to shine.

America deserves a president who will stand up and fight for the American people, not just use us as an ATM machine for his campaign! Obama has all but destroyed our economy by bringing in thousands of refugees from terrorist countries that hate the United States of America. National security has been compromised. He has been a failure as a president, and we need a change! We don’t need a failure as our president! Vote for someone with a track record that is better than Biden’s.

Joe Biden is one of the most unpopular politicians in the U.S., and now he’s gathering all types of unwanted attention from voters who regret voting for him. Although most Americans admit Obama was not qualified to be president, Joe is not far behind as his qualifications are concerning.

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