There was a point in time when the stock market was soaring higher and higher, but then it collapsed and dropped to a number that did not meet expectations. A few days ago, the stock market plummeted under Biden. These very low numbers are a great concern to the country because they believe they will continue to drop even more and make an impact on the economy.
Biden Failed the Economy
When Trump left office, he left America in great shape for Biden. Biden somehow came in and managed to tank the economy. Let’s go Brandon!
The stock market is crashing under Biden. This is something very concerning because now we have a President who doesn’t know how to run the economy and make it stable. In fact, he took our jobs away and is throwing money at Ukraine. What did you expect? If you get rid of jobs, then your economy will never get better.
Impeach Joe Biden
It is obvious that Biden isn’t qualified to run the economy. We need to impeach him so we can get someone who has a clue on how the economy works. Actually, scratch that, on how EVERYTHING works. He can’t even seem to form a sentence, but somehow he is running our country? Correction, he is running our country right into the ground.
A Mess Made By Biden
Biden has done a horrible job at running this country. He has made it into disarray and it is all his fault. He has failed us and we need to get rid of him. Let’s make America great again. Yes,
Stock Market Plummets Under Biden
Biden is on his way out the door and has put our country through a lot. He has made it into a disaster and doesn’t even understand it. Let’s hope Trump can fix this because Biden is useless.
America Should Have A President Like Trump
We need someone who has experience in politics and understands how the economy works. This can only happen with Donald Trump as President. No one else can fix our country right now. We need a strong leader and he is just the person to do it and Make America Great Again!
Trump’s Presidency Is A Great Success
Trump has made very good decisions so far in his presidency. Unlike Biden, who has done nothing but cause havoc for his country, Trump fixed everything that Obama left behind for America to deal with and now he will have to clean up Biden’s mess. His policies have been great for our country and I think we have already seen some of them in action. Trump 2024!