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Skyrocketing Gas Prices Under Biden

gas prices

Gas prices have skyrocketed under the Biden Administration. Some parts of the country have seen prices increase over 50 percent in just four years! These staggering numbers affect every American’s life, but they are especially troublesome for those on fixed incomes or without very much money at all.

The President of the United States, Joe Biden is hoping that by raising taxes on oil companies he can stimulate production and lower gas prices for Americans across the country. Unfortunately, many Americans are doubtful this plan will work because it hasn’t worked in years past. Americans are ready for a change and want to see real change, not the same old rhetoric.

While the economy is struggling to get back on its feet, high gas prices add insult to injury. Taxing oil companies would add to this burden while doing nothing to lower prices even further. Even if President Biden were successful in lowering gas prices by $1 per gallon, Americans would still be paying more than $3/gallon because of the soaring price of home heating and other energy sources that depend on petroleum products.

Biden is the one to blame. I believe he’s trying to make good on his promise to make gasoline “fairly priced”. He has the money to do it, but what will come out of it? More money for the oil companies that are already making billions upon billions yearly. How does he expect Americans to afford their middle-class lifestyle with prices like this? I don’t see any real change coming from these fears.

Americans need change now! We want to see big changes now! Can’t you hear us? We’re screaming for a change! We’re saying no more business as usual. No more backstabbing and corruption in Washington D.C.

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