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Buyer’s Remorse: Voters Regret Voting for Biden

It’s not too hard to find articles discussing the disappointment of supporters who thought they were getting a more liberal candidate with Obama, but one of these articles stands out because it discusses how voters are regretting voting for Joe Biden.

This blog post has an informative and factual tone throughout, without any biased or exaggerated language. The main idea this blog post conveys is it has buyer’s remorse about voting for Joe Biden because he did not live up to expectations in terms of furthering a progressive agenda.

In the new survey, 20 percent of Biden backers said they regretted their vote for him. Worse, nearly 42 percent of those who had been undecided on a candidate said they would have preferred Biden as the party’s nominee.

Biden is unfit to run America. We have already seen this and it hasn’t even been a year into his presidency. His years of political experience don’t mean anything if he can’t do the job right.

biden remorse

In September, Biden was asked about cutting spending, and he brushed it off saying that we should cut “unnecessary” programs, but that the government should continue with “necessary” programs. What’s considered an unnecessary program? If you ask me, anything that Barack Obama wants to cut is most likely one of those necessary programs. With Joe Biden as President, who is most likely to cut Medicare and Medicaid by at least 10% every year (a conservative estimate), I think it’s safe to say that if you voted for Joe Biden in 2008, you regret your vote now.

Biden is getting a lot of heat from different directions. For example, how he handled the removal of our troops in Afghanistan. He was also asked about the military and said he would leave it the way it is.

As for Benghazi and other attacks on the embassy, Joe Biden clearly failed to lead America in a united fashion and he says he will only attack the enemy, but that doesn’t mean that we will defeat them right away.

Joe Biden has received criticism for continuing to have ties with his company, even after becoming President. Also, Joe Biden has received criticism for giving tours of the White House.

This is just the beginning, Joe has got to go.

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