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Biden’s Empty Shelves Issues

empty shelves

We have been here once before. During the beginning of the covid pandemic, we saw missing products and empty shelves which caused widespread panic and hoarding. Here we are over a year later, under the Biden administration and once again we are seeing empty shelves in grocery stores. To be fair, the whole reason we saw this in the past was that people believed that there were no more products and that they would all be out of stock shortly. This fear only heightened the fear and fear causes fear.

Yet now we see a different scenario; we see shelves completely bare and we see no panic. When confronted with such a situation, I can’t help but feel as though Biden is attempting to pull one over on the American people. He is telling us that the products will resume their places as usual, but he is simply lying. What is his purpose? What is the point in telling us this? Is he telling himself that he is helping us? For what possible reason could he be doing this.

The people of America are in no way more brainwashed than the people of Germany or Japan; they are not more scared or more afraid. They are not more content with their government; they are simply more accepting. This administration has done nothing to help us at all, so why would we accept his lies so easily? He constantly tells us falsehoods that constantly mislead, but after a year of being told these lies, he still stands by them without questioning why they are being told. It is hard to accept the fact that we are not more trusting than before, but we seem to be so easily duped.

This is exemplified in the recently passed National Service Law. The re-education camps where Americans will be forced to live seem like something out of a dystopian novel, but here it is. We are being forced to be herded into them under the guise of “National Service”. It sounds better than “re-education centers”, but what does it show us?

We are clearly less intelligent than our forefathers were; they saw past the lies that they were told and saw what was really occurring in their country. We, on the other hand, aren’t even questioning it.

So what will Biden do about the empty shelves issue? When he talks about this, he says that it is merely a “trick of the light”; I agree with him on that one aspect. It is much more than just tricking us into thinking that products are gone, it is much more than just playing with our minds. It is because of this “trick” that we feel that there must be an issue because something isn’t right. We need to realize that there simply isn’t anything wrong; they are not lying to us and they never were. They truly believe in what they are doing and we need to accept the fact that we have let them deceive us so easily and so completely.

It’s Time for Joe to go!

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