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Biden is Failing America

Biden took office less than a year ago, but he is already failing to deliver what he promised. Biden pledged to bring this country together and to unite the American people, but all we have seen is more division than anything. Since he was sworn in, the Vice President has spent more time on vacation than actually governing. But it doesn’t stop there. Biden is failing America in so many ways, and it’s time the American people showed him their displeasure with him.

Even though Biden seems to be getting his groove back on the campaign trail, that isn’t good enough for America. The American people wanted change in Washington, but unfortunately, change takes time. We need action now more than ever before because we are beginning to see how dangerous this nation is becoming under his leadership, and this situation could only get worse if Biden is re-elected.

biden is failing america

Biden is also on his way to destroying our energy independence. He promised the American people that he would increase domestic energy production, but he has done just the opposite. Biden has blocked every single piece of legislation that could have possibly benefitted our country in this area. That is only going to lead to higher gas prices at the pump for American families, and it will send more jobs overseas to countries like China.

It’s not just our energy independence that he has ruined either. Biden has also made sure to give us nothing but higher taxes and more of the same. He talks about raising taxes on those he calls “the rich” all the time, but Biden fails to acknowledge how destructive his ideas really are. Raising taxes will only lead to more unemployment, and that will only increase the national deficit over time.

The amount of foreign oil we are importing is also at record highs right now because Biden prevented any sort of drilling off our coastline. We need this extra supply because we are growing at a rapid pace, but instead, Biden gave us nothing but empty promises that never came to fruition.

Biden is also ruining our economy because of his obsession with green energy. The former Vice President continues to push for legislation that would spend billions of taxpayer dollars on green energy, and it’s just a waste of money by any meaningful standard. The bottom line is that it isn’t working, so we need some new leadership in this area as well. Biden also continues to be a huge disappointment when it comes to the Second Amendment. He will say and do anything to take away our rights and is constantly pushing for things like gun control. But this is just one of many areas in which he has failed America so far.

Even though Biden is beginning to gain some momentum for re-election, that shouldn’t be enough for him because America deserves better than this right now. America needs someone who will fight for them, and that candidate isn’t his when he can’t even deliver on the jobs that we desperately need in this country. America needs a leader who will get the job done, and it’s time for them to get rid of Biden once and for all.

1 thought on “Biden is Failing America”

  1. I have been a Dem for 30 yrs.,never did I imagine I’d chg. until Pelo$i, Biden,Harris,Omar n the rest of the ANTI AMERICAN$.
    Biden is DESTROYING LEGAL AMERICA. What he’s done to break the U.S border law is ANTI AMERICAN. U.S. tx payer$ didn’t agree or weren’t even ask if WE wanted OUR hard earned tx$ to go to ILLEGAL$ support knowing ALL’$ free.
    Pay$ to be an ILLEGAL or Professional Politician. All’$ free n law$ don’t apply.
    Rep$ n Dem$ tx money at work!

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